My Mommyology

Learning from Motherhood.

Amazon Mom: A Wonderful Discovery


Admittedly yes, I am a converted online shopper.  I turned into one when I gave birth and couldn’t (or didn’t) want to leave the house with a 25-lb car seat and a 10-lb stroller in tow.  I’d end up forgetting the baby at home with all that weight (I’m kidding).

It’s convenient, what can I tell you.  And!  There are sometimes online promotions which save you money versus if you were to buy them in the store.  I also realized, that in our small town of Chapel Hill (unlike, let’s say, highly populated areas like New York or L.A.), companies tend to stock less in inventory, and replenish less frequently.  Maybe the turn-over rates are lower here, and I assume it is more economical to run a business that way.

Anyway as we all know, there are some essentials a mother can’t do without — diapers, wipes, paper towel rolls and laundry products, among other things.  I always panic when I notice we’re running low on these and sometimes the supermarkets are out-of-stock with the brand or the size that I use!  So it was a relief to come across this wonderful discovery (and thank you Helene for introducing this to me!)

My Mommyology Loves Amazon Mom

Hurray for you my friend!

Hello, Amazon Mom!  I currently only use it to buy diapers and wipes, since I have currently stocked up on other things like laundry detergent and the like, but I think I will put these other items on my list of regular deliveries so it is something I need not worry about in the long run (when I have two kids on my hands instead of just one, who knows where my brain will go).  I find too, from a marketing perspective, it’s a good way to drive loyalty.  Free two-day shipping, pre-scheduled repeat purchases on necessities at good value, and a whole lot of options.  It relieves moms like me of the worry of running out of essential items.  Plus, you encourage better future planning as a whole, while allowing still, a few impulse purchases upon surfing the site!  Amazon keeps track of your purchases and makes recommendations as well as to what you could buy.  You also have the option to delay shipment or advance it depending on your consumption level.  Or for instance, the pampers, when the baby gets bigger in size, then you can automatically just switch to the next size up for the next order onwards.

I am a fan.

Author: mymommyology

I am the mom that I am because of my two wonderful little girls. They teach me everyday.


  1. don’t you just love it! i didn’t get to use mine because I had to leave na but it’s such a convenience! I wish we had one here.

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