… And we’re back! Somewhat. 🙂
Thank you for letting me take a “nap”. I feel much better now although still not quite my usual self. In any case, the show must go on and a nap is really all I have time for (considering I already feel as if I’m always chasing after time with my never-ending list of to do’s!).
So what’s been going on with us? We’ve just gotten into the swing of October and it already has been quite a hectic month. There are so many fall / halloween / pre-winter activities planned on top of the usual daily schedule the girls and I are on. We are also outdoors a lot more now that the weather is beautiful and it’s neither too hot nor too cold to take the girls for a stroller ride. I’d have to say I’m quite in love with the fall weather. It is by far my favorite time of the year.
It is also that time of year when I begin to plan Sam’s birthday. No matter how simple we try to keep it, I realize now that it takes up a lot of time to actually go through the options and think up ideas as to how to make the actual day and the party that she wants perfect and memorable for her. I’m quite excited for this one, so watch out for it coming soon!
Yet I think the biggest reason as to why all of a sudden I feel that things have suddenly gotten so busy, is because I have been working a whole lot more this last month since before I gave birth. My business partner and best friend OCMominmanila has just given birth to her second beautiful little girl, so it is her turn to go on maternity leave and I am trying to help hold down the fort as best as I can from here. That leaves me with very little time to sleep (seeing as we are on a 12-hour time difference) and again I am chasing after so many unread emails a day. It is a good thing (re-phrase: a GREAT THING!) that we have such competent and reliable people on the ground that they are still able to manage everything going on.
Strangely enough (and maybe even crazily enough), I can’t complain. I guess I feel that it’s nice to be busy and have my mind working on something productive that is not child-related. I feel a little bit rusty and a tad bit slow; I used to be able to speed through my full inbox in a day and send quick replies, but now I find that I have a lot of interruptions that I can’t ignore – babies and toddlers included. It forces me to be as efficient as possible and pick out the urgent items from my list of to do’s and focus on those. So I am also learning how to manage my time as I go along.
I do like being “back at work” and being busy (not related to chores or errands). I’m glad I have the privilege to “work-from-home-on-a-different-time-zone”. Many moms I know would have to make a choice and since I’ve been grappling with the idea for years now on a daily basis (do I work more or spend more time with my kids?), I am glad that at least for the moment, that hard choice is postponed indefinitely. I can’t imagine being away from my girls for a full day at work, and yet a part of me feels like I need — and want — to work even just a little bit. For now, this might actually be the most ideal compromise.
October 15, 2011 at 10:48 pm
Uhm, your break consisted of only 1 day. Maybe you should let go of some work things first and rest.
October 16, 2011 at 12:26 am
Hahaha! Hindi naman 1 day! I think it was more like a week. 🙂 Will email you on work separately!
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