I’m sure you’ve seen this image from me (or from some of my fellow #SoMoms) a few times before.
It is a slide Coach Pia frequently flashes when we have our #BetterMe sessions with her. The five circles represent the most important aspects of one’s life and the goal is to have them all inflated equally.
Exactly 12 months ago when I first saw this slide and assessed my life, I could honestly say my “family” bubble was totally over-inflated, while all the rest were grossly under inflated. It was the structure of how life had to be for us in the states. I was extremely hands on with the girls, and everything else was de-prioritized, including my own needs.
As the months passed and we (I) tried to “adjust” to life back here, it got to a point that it was so frustrating because the old formula that worked for us, wasn’t working in this environment. It’s not an easy transition, but I went about it in the only way I knew how — I threw myself back into work. Thankfully and fortunately enough for me, (both) my businesses aren’t only about my career, but they also helped re-inflate my social life and my sense of self.
A year and two weeks later here I am again reviewing what my “life bubbles” look like. I can’t say that they’re all equally inflated yet, but I’d like to believe that they don’t look or feel as lopsided as when we first started out. I still struggle a lot with the balance and the juggling act of work and managing the kids. In fact just yesterday, I spent the whole day away from them working (and with that I will pause and shamelessly plug: We have a Two Tots Sale this coming Thursday – Saturday! Please visit the Facebook page for more details!), and only got to them an hour before bedtime. There have also been cases when my other business has caused me to work longer than usual and I miss out on certain activities. The girls have had to get used to me not being around as much and when I think of it I really, really miss them. That’s never happened to me before and sometimes it makes me wonder why I do it and if it’s really all worth it. But at the same time, I can’t deny that I do enjoy what it is I do. I’m grateful I’m doing something I love and care about, so why I am guilty about leaving the girls if I know that all this sacrifice is for them in the long run anyway?
As my friend Janice had said in a conversation we were having one evening: Isn’t that every mompreneur’s challenge?
Ah yes. I hadn’t realized — I am a mompreneur. By becoming a mom and owning a business (or two), I’ve joined this growing community of multitasking women who juggle so many things at once. How do we do it? And why?!
If you’ll notice, I haven’t said much about my 5th bubble, entitled sense of purpose. How does all of what I’m doing (or not doing) work towards a bigger plan? What is my role in it? Am I doing things for the right reasons? And maybe it’s age, maybe it’s circumstance, or a combination of all of the state of the four other bubbles, but I’ve been questioning how inflated or deflated my sense of purpose is and what else I need to do get it to an adequate acceptable size.
Which is why I’ve decided to attend the 2nd Mompreneur Summit this coming September 14. I’ve heard a lot of good things from fellow mompreneurs Cai of Paper Chic Studio, Jen of Next9 and Eliza of The Painters Wife, about how last year’s summit has helped them with their current businesses and brands today. I am definitely curious. The speakers Janice has lined up for the summit are well-known in their respective fields and should provide useful insights we can adapt to our own businesses and day-to-day dealings. To top it all off, this year’s theme is Passion and Purpose, so apt and so timely (for my bubbles).
If you haven’t registered for this yet, there’s still time. Ten days to be exact! Just click on the link, http://www.mompreneurmanila.com/register2.
It’s been 379 days since we moved back home and it’s still the adjustment for me. It’s quite a process I must say. Knowing is half the battle right? I know what “ok” looks like (in life-bubble terms), it’s just a matter of getting there, slowly. Finding the right tools will help moving things along too; And maybe the mompreneur summit will give one or more of my bubbles a little inflation boost. 🙂
See you there?
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