My Mommyology

Learning from Motherhood.

February 2, 2011
by mymommyology

Where’s My Nesting Instinct?

I consider myself a relatively OC (the new and evolved meaning of obsessive compulsive) person, at least when it comes to the order of the house.  In the past my friends would call me a clean-freak, or a neat-freak since … Continue reading

January 31, 2011
by mymommyology

What’s the Difference? Pregnancy Round 2

It’s a typical question, but it is asked nonetheless — How is this pregnancy different from the first? It is the first “second time around” for me so of course I’ve been thinking about the answer.  That’s not to say … Continue reading

January 7, 2011
by mymommyology

The Miracle Shower Filter

For most of my existence I’ve had to deal with a condition called asthma of the skin (also known as atopic dermatitis or eczema).  After many years the most manageable solution that doctors could offer me was a skincare regimen … Continue reading

December 17, 2010
by mymommyology


Lately Fridays have been the most tiring days for me.  I look forward to the weekends when (pre-PlayStation days), I get a few extra hours of sleep, while the rest of the family figures out breakfast arrangements.  By this time … Continue reading

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