The last month and a half have been crazy busy, to say the least! And here’s why:
As some of you may already know (or may have guessed), we’re moving. Again! It hasn’t even been two years since we set foot in Manila once again, and yes, here we are, uprooting once more.
Many people ask why. In fact almost everyone knew we came home because my husband wanted to be close to family. So why the big move only after 22 months into our supposedly “home for good move”?
Well. It really boils down to Jamie.
Remember I mentioned Jamie’s skin allergies? Over the course of 20 months, we’ve come to prove that the cause was the ever-humid and unpredictable weather and highly polluted environment of Manila. As the months passed, her allergies went from bad to worse. It got to the point where I wasn’t getting any rest because I’d wake up to keep her from scratching and re-apply all kinds of topical steroids and lotions on her. The next morning, it was always a game of “where did this blood come from?” or “what will Jamie’s mood be today?” knowing that she didn’t get a good night’s rest.
(I feel like) I’ve tried everything, including non-traditional ways that worked for other moms. All the solutions would provide temporarily relief, but after a while Jamie would desensitize and everything would flare up again. Thank God for our constants, Aquasana and Mustela’s Stelatopia; for without them I fear it would be worse.
We’d gotten to that point where I felt I was raising a drug addict, because the allergists had told me to give my then two-year old 10mL of antihisthamine daily, everyday, for 3 months straight (on top of the topical ointments). For her tiny body, it was too much. It affected Jamie’s demeanor and behavior. She was always cranky and sleepy and totally uncomfortable.
We went to several pediatric dermatologists and allergists, who all said that she would “eventually outgrow it (or as they say “control it).” And I believed them, having gone through it myself for half my life. It became my default solution too.
But my husband wouldn’t — couldn’t — stand for it. He just couldn’t bear to see his baby girl in that state all the time. And he insisted that there should be a better solution than just waiting for her to adapt.
We had proven that it wasn’t food, or anything in our laundry, or even the usual culprits like stuffed toys (hence, Bunny was allowed to stay). In fact, during our trips to Anvaya, Boracay and Bohol, a dip in the salt water would instantly clear Jamie’s skin up.
The clincher was when we went on our family vacation and Jamie’s eczema cleared up the day after we arrived. It stayed clear up until the day we flew home. I came home with full tubes of medicine and lotion because I used them 5x less than I’d normally use them when in Manila.
And so in a matter of months — weeks — from what was initially “just speculation”, became reality. My husband told his employer that he had to re-consider opportunities in the US, because he wanted Jamie to have a better quality of life. And it was a big thing since he was the one who wanted to move us home, and because he was (is) doing so well career-wise too.
As luck or fate or a combination of both would have it, his company decided to keep him to handle the operations in North America. And just like that, the contract was signed and I was back in the motions of packing up.
Many people say it was a very bold thing to do – uproot the whole family when we’re just starting to settle in and get our bearings (They say it takes 2 years to finally feel “okay” after a big move with kids — and it’s true I was JUST getting that feeling!). Not many would really make that huge a move. But as my husband points out – it was her health. And Jamie in her current state was no way to live.
And that’s really what struck me when I saw this slide during our post-Father’s day #BetterMe session with Coach Pia at Seda Hotel (in BGC).

Thank you Jen for making these wonderful pinboards from our session!
My language of love is words. And I’m very good at expressing myself and how I feel. My husband is quite the opposite. But you can see it in his actions. Like this big move of ours. Thankfully the career aspect of it worked in our favor, but if it didn’t, it wouldn’t have stopped him from exploring it and making it happen. And after all, that’s what father’s are good at — making things happen.
Somehow the girls know that’s how he loves them. Jamie clearly knows and is looking forward to “making the owies go away.” And Sam — she understood. In one of her emotional moments she caught me by surprise when she said, “I’m sad we’re moving but I know it’s better for Jamie. So that’s why.” (Of course I cried). Somehow she knew that we’d all make that kind of sacrifice for her if she needed it most, and that no matter what, we put our family’s needs first. Something they also learned from her dad.

Photo Credit: Jen of @next9 and Attached at the Hip.
A very belated Father’s Day — but also a Happy Anniversary! — to my husband, the Daddy of our family. We can’t wait to start this new adventure with you. 🙂
See you in a few. 😉
A big thank you as well to The One Core, Coach Pia, and Seda Hotels, our sponsors for this #BetterMe session! Use the hashtag #betterme and #somoms on Instagram and Facebook to discover and gain insights on the topics we’ve learned thus far about becoming the best versions of ourselves. I sincerely hope that you gain something from them too!
August 12, 2014 at 10:51 pm
Big bold move, for the better! That’s one giant act of love from daddy D! I wish your family well, Jenny. “See” you online! =)
August 13, 2014 at 4:40 pm
Thanks! Yes indeed! Quite noble of him. 😉
August 13, 2014 at 10:35 am
This is big for D so kudos to him! You guys are blessed with the opportunity come at the right time for the right place. At least LA is closer to family in the US. Can’t wait for your LA stories this time Jen! I will definitely miss you in our family gatherings! As if naman I’m in the PH too! Haha! All the best for Jamie’s condition!
August 13, 2014 at 4:40 pm
Thanks Tal! Will let him know! And I look forward to our adventures too!
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