My friend Trina (She pens the blog DIY Corporate Mom — and by the way, if you haven’t dropped by her blog yet, you gotta do so! She has the best, best ideas!!) used to send her daughter to our Alma Mater, the same school that Sam goes to now. But after a year she opted to switch her Ladybug Girl to a different school. When I asked her why, she told me they did the MindPrint fingerprint test and the results they got helped them make the choice.
I was immediately intrigued with MindPrint. In fact I inquired. More than anything, I was quite curious about Jamie, because I felt that between my girls, she’s the daughter that I needed help understanding more. (Please note, this is in no way in reference to favoritism or loving one over the other! It’s all about my motivation to want to be the “best mom” I could be to both). At the same time, I was curious about what Sam’s results would be if we put her through it too. I decided I was going to save up for the test of both my children.
Many moons later and into the present, Trina sends my name to Kaiz and Michelle Patel, the proprietors of MindPrint, as they needed some help on the marketing front. After our initial meeting, I was all the more sold on the idea of what they do.
Essentially MindPrint can tell you about a person’s innate multiple intelligences, learning abilities and personality, just by scanning their fingerprints. There aren’t any questions to be answered, verbally or written. There is no test. You need not even exchange any words! But you get a pretty accurate read of the person with just one biometric reading.
Have you ever heard the term, dermatoglyphics? By definition it is the study of fingerprints, and it is the most advanced method of determining — essentially — who a person is and what they’re natural talents and skills are. Hard to believe right? But it’s quite amazing. They say it’s a tool that the most sophisticated government agencies use to profile a person.
As it turns out – our fingerprints are the external maps to our brains. Try spreading out your right finger and putting them over the left hemisphere of your head. Each finger is a “map” to each of the five lobes, and each lobe helps us determine a specific skill or personality trait. Our fingerprints don’t change, no matter how young or old you get. Even if you burn the tips of your fingers, I’m told the grooves and lines and curves “grow back” in the same way. Isn’t that cool?! Needless to say, over the course of our engagement, I had both girls scanned, as well as myself and my husband.
I was so glad he agreed as he was one of the biggest skeptics I encountered when I first took them on as a client. But it’s good to say that now he’s not (that much of a skeptic anymore!), and he admits that the results are indeed accurate. I’m fairly sure while reading through this post, a lot of typical skeptic questions will arise, so let me try to address them here. I truly believe that it is a helpful tool because:
MindPrint gives you a comprehensive insight as to why someone is the way he / she is. The full report is ready three days after capturing the prints.
It’s actually the most comprehensive psychological analysis I’ve seen for such “little” input. I was present for the interpretation of the results and I must say that it was very enlightening. Not that I felt I didn’t know him or what he’d do in specific instances (after all these years of being together!), rather it was more like I better understood why.
With the girls’ results, I had many “aha” moments as well. I began to identify instances in the past and validate some of the theories I had about each of their personalities. Again, I just felt that I understood them both better, which was why I set out to do the test in the first place.
MindPrint will help you make an informed choice. When I saw Jamie’s results (as it turns out, Jamie and I have the same personality type! We’re both Doves!), it dawned on me that our school choice for her was actually a wonderful pick. It was no wonder she was doing so well — as it turned out her processes are very creative and she’s very right-brained, pretty much how her pre-school helps them learn. At the same time, we identified that her “weakest” talent was related to her fine-motor skills. With that I immediately set an appointment with her pre-school teacher and I shared the Jamie’s results with her. Since then I noticed she’s been more conscious about getting Jamie interested more beading exercises or writing.
MindPrint can encourage you to generate experiences that will work better for your child and your family. One thing to note as well is that the assessment is only a tool. It shouldn’t be the be all and end-all of the decisions that you will make for your child and your family. As parents we still have the responsibility of providing our children with options. We want to avoid railroading their future towards one direction because of what they’re naturally born with.
A wise friend of mine said that she believes it’s really the life experiences that define us as people. And I would tend to agree. At the end of the day, we become the people that we are because of the experiences we’ve had in our lives. We learn how to handle conflict or deal with situations we’ve never been in before over time. We learn how to acquire information and knowledge, again also over time. MindPrint is really a tool that can help us navigate through all of this better. For parents, it can serve as a baseline as to what experiences you would let your child have growing up — what summer activities to choose, what after-school programs to focus on, and even how to relate to them better.
For my husband and myself, as adults who have already had many life experiences, I like to look at our results side-by-side. I noticed that in the aspects where he tends to acquire knowledge by internalizing it and understanding it on his own, such as his kinesthetic abilities for instance (Self-Cognitive), I am better at understanding it by having someone to model it for me (Affiliative). And vice-versa. It’s good because it makes us both aware as to how we can better compliment each other. 🙂
Parenting as we know it (and okay, marriage too!) is a continuous learning process. It’s also the reason for the existence of this blog. I am all for tools that can help us (me) navigate through all this better, and come out as better parents in the end. We all have the same end-goal anyway. MindPrint may be an investment, but it’s a once-in-a-lifetime one, and one that’s made in smaller scheme of things. On a larger scale, with more knowledge — literally and figuratively at our fingertips — we’ve everything to gain.
You may check out Trina’s blogpost on Mindprint here, as well as my other friend Tin’s take on it here.
For more information, contact them directly:
Mind Print Philippines
Unit 803-804 TCI Tower
61 West Capitol Drive
Brgy. Kapitolyo, Pasig City
Philippines 1603
Telephone: +632 631 0563
Mobile: +63917 808 9812 Email:
February 1, 2014 at 1:22 pm
This was so informative! Gee I didn’t even know all of that when I got ours done. Thanks for the shout-out, Jen! Now to get my husband’s mind print too…
February 2, 2014 at 1:59 am
Trin! The offer I told you about still applies! Let me know! 😉
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April 8, 2014 at 8:20 pm
how much?
April 12, 2014 at 10:53 am
Hi Queena! Sorry for the late revert. Have been traveling. 🙂 A Mindprint scan is originally P18,000, however they are doing a summer promo for P12,500 per scan. Just give the code MP001. Some will feel that the price is an investment, however again it’s something you only have to take once in your life (or once in your child’s life) — so the earlier you know, the better!
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