It’s time to announce the winner of Mommy {T} Coach’s blog give-away! And without further ado — CONGRATULATIONS TO JENNY O! We will be sending you a separate email so that you and Mommy {T} can work out how or when to best claim your prize.
In the meantime, I feel that some of the other answers (some were not posted on the site) are also still very much worth sharing. A lot of what these moms are saying resonate with me, and it is comforting to know that I am not alone in feeling this way! So here they are:
What was your biggest career challenge as a mom, trailing spouse (or both), and how were you able to manage it?
Anne: My biggest career challenge is finding out how to make a dream the primary source of income. The only thing to do is to keep at it even if it feels like it’s going nowhere at times. Strong support systems also help, tremendously.
Jenny O: What still is my biggest challenge is to decide whether to concentrate on being a WOHM or WAHM – concentrate on my full time job or on MBL plus the blog/advocacies and family!! Doing all 4 is driving me nuts!
OCMominManila: The ability to put my career and business in the back seat during times when my kids need me most (like right after giving birth or when there’s no yaya). How I’m able to manage? Scheduling is key and empowering your support group with the right tools and skills.
Polly: Breastfeeding!
Patricia: The biggest challenge I’ve ever encountered (and still am) is managing my time. I run a business from home and I have 2 kids, and no full-time help. Plus, we live in Singapore and have no relatives here to run to for free babysitting. So far, I’m just keeping my priorities in order and try my best to work like a fiend when the kids are sleeping. Oh, and I’m super organized when it comes to almost everything. =)
Olga: My career challenge as a mom is to leave my kids to go to work!
Mitch: Biggest career challenge – when i gave up my practice as a pediatrician and decided to be a full time mom to my first born. It wasn’t easy at first, having no income and being dependent to my husband, but seeing my baby grow day by day is priceless.
Mench said: Deciding to leave at 530 pm at the latest and not working at home after a full day of working. I do focused work while at the office so I can leave early to spend more time with family and have time for my interests.
Janice said: The greatest challenge has been trying to transition from being a full-time working mom to being a work-at-home mom since I got pregnant with my 3rd child. It has been a year now since I gave birth but I am still unsuccessful at finding regular work-at-home opportunities that will provide sufficient additional income for our family. So, I’m actually contemplating going back to working full-time again though I hate even the thought of doing so.
Thank you once again to all the moms and wives and everyone else who participated in our very first give-away!
April 25, 2012 at 6:42 am
Congratulations Jenny O! Looking forward to our session soon 🙂
To the other moms, thank you for sharing your challenges! As you can see, you are not alone and you can get the kind of support you need 🙂
June 25, 2012 at 12:34 am
hooray! after several postponements, managed to schedule the coaching session with Tala and happy to have gained insights from it!
June 25, 2012 at 8:26 am
Yehey!!!! O diba!