How exciting is this — another FIRST for My Mommyology! Tala of Mommy {T} Coach, is sponsoring the very first Blog Give-away! Before we go into the mechanics of this, let’s talk a little bit more about who Mommy {T} Coach is, what she can offer, and if this is something for you.
Tala is an HR/OD professional by nature. Like me, she up and left the comforts of her Manila home and profession to be a homemaker and a mom in Sri Lanka (Our girls have to play soon!). She has a term for this — the “trailing spouse” — in unequivocal support of his or her spouse’s career choices. Quite an apt term, if I do say so myself!
In any case Tala and I, both trailing spouses, have supported each other virtually through our adventures (and misadventures). As she said in an interview she conducted with me years ago before Jamie, we really got to know each other online by commenting on each other’s blogs and Facebook posts (social media, what would we do without you?!)
Quite honestly, I really wouldn’t know what to do without Tala; I send her these really long emails about what I am going through and she helps me process it — all of it — no judgements whatsoever. Sometimes she also makes me realize that I should just laugh at the situation. Sometimes, she just opens a faucet full of emotions and thoughts that I never thought I would tell anyone, and yet she gets me to relay it all to her in its rawest form. I realize that it’s because she knows just the right questions to ask. So I can tell you firsthand, she is very good at what she does and it comes so naturally to her. To add to her credibility and natural talent as a coach, Tala is also in-training to be an internationally Certified Professional Coach. This was in line with her original (you’ll find out why I say this a little later) plan of being a coach in a corporate setting.
Of course, as we trailing spouses are well aware of, if there is anything that is predictable, it is the fact that nothing goes as we (originally) plan.
A few months ago towards the end of her third trimester with baby {L}, Tala made a major life choice and shift, and decided to be a full-time hands on mom with a coaching business on the side. She then launched Mommy {T} Coach, an indie coaching business to support every mom and trailing spouse as they work through their career challenges. Mommy {T} is a career coach who can support you as you heed to the call of the deepest desires of your heart and take bold steps in fulfilling them. They say you can’t have your cake but Mommy {T} says you can bake it and eat it too! Yes, she says, it can be done. How empowering wouldn’t you say?!
So how would you know if you need a coach? Tala (Let’s call her Mommy {T} from now on!) cites several scenarios on her website which help you decide if one or more resonate with you or not. I’d say though — why wouldn’t you need one? Everyone could use the kind of support Mommy {T} can offer. How can it not excite you when she promises to help you “find the gift amidst the mess of life”. I swear it is the most positive thing I’ve come across, and it makes me feel better about a lot of day-to-day things, to tell you quite truthfully!
In any case, Mommy {T} has agreed to give out a 30-minute coaching session for one lucky My Mommyology blog reader (anywhere in the world!), worth $30. Yay!
Okay so now that you know all these little details – how do you join the Blog Give-Away? Thank you, Rafflecopter for making this easy…
Mommy {T} and I will announce the winner a day after the raffle comes to a close, and the winner will get an email or a direct message from yours truly as a formal “introduction” to Mommy {T} — so please do put in the details as to how we can best reach you!
At the risk of sounding like a gushing broken record, THANK YOU once again to Mommy {T} for guest posting and for sponsoring My Mommyology’s very first blog give-away! 🙂
March 30, 2012 at 1:04 am
Biggest career challenge is finding out how to make a dream the primary source of income. Only thing to do is to keep at it even if it feels like it’s going nowhere at times. Strong support systems also help, tremendously.
March 30, 2012 at 7:36 am
Wow… I want to acknowledge you for pursuing your dream in the first place! That is a huge step already!
March 30, 2012 at 9:29 am
It is a very real challenge, particularly for moms! Thanks for sharing Anne!
March 30, 2012 at 1:08 am
Still is my biggest challenge is to decide whether to concentrate on being a WOHM or WAHM – concentrate on my full time job or on MBL plus the blog/advocacies and family!! doing all 4 is driving me nuts! contact me via email
March 30, 2012 at 7:43 am
Wow a full plate! A huge decision!
March 30, 2012 at 9:31 am
But all of those you love and are good at… I can imagine what a decision that could be. 🙂 Thanks for sharing! I have your email!
April 2, 2012 at 6:44 am
I want to join! =)
The biggest challenge I have ever faced is how to manage my time so that I can do as much work as I can without sacrificing the needs of my kids. I run a business from home and take care of 2 boys without a full-time helper. And, we live in Singapore, where we have no relatives, so there’s no supply of free babysitters either. =) So far, I’ve been managing it all by being super organized and working fiendishly whenever the kids are busy or sleeping. I wish to have more time to take care of myself though, since I have let my own health go by the wayside in my priorities.
Tala, I need your help! =)
April 2, 2012 at 8:43 am
I’m so glad you did join! I can relate to your situation, more than you know! 🙂
April 10, 2012 at 9:15 am
MyMommyology and I truly can relate!!! First, kudos to you for making it all work! Second, kudos again for even acknowledging that YOU need some good lovin’ care too 🙂
April 9, 2012 at 11:16 pm
The greatest challenge has been trying to transition from being a full-time working mom to being a work-at-home mom since I got pregnant with my 3rd child. It has been a year now since I gave birth but I am still unsuccessful at finding regular work-at-home opportunities that will provide sufficient additional income for our family. So, I’m actually contemplating going back to working full-time again though I hate even the thought of doing so.
April 9, 2012 at 11:23 pm
I can somewhat relate to that struggle too!
April 10, 2012 at 10:06 am
Wow for being a full-time working mom of 2! And fearless of you to decide to work-at-home with your third! The start is usually the most frustrating but you are in a beautiful space in exploring possibilities!
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