In Travel #throwback Thursday fashion, I thought I’d feature our family’s very first Air Show. San Diego isn’t too bad a drive away, and my husband’s uncle who used to serve in the Navy (Belated Happy Veteran’s Day by the way!) told us we might enjoy it.
The MCAS Miramar Air Show is a an annual 3-day event at the Miramar Based in San Diego. It features three full days of flying and entertainment, food and novelty booths, children’s activity area, military displays, trade show, and more! As my husband says, it’s like Touch-a-Truck but for planes, with entertainment.
I didn’t know what to expect and we only went for one afternoon. It was actually a good thing because it was scorching HOT. Watching the weather reports, I brought snacks and water and sunblock for the girls, but I wasn’t prepared for that kind of heat.
In any case, my husband bought the cheapest tickets for the grandstand, so we could sit and watch the show — although when we got there, we noticed a lot of people just outside of the grandstand who’d made camp. Well that makes sense, it’s an air show! But anyway, with the crowd and the heat and the kids, I suppose he figured it was better we had a spot.
It was quite the walk from the parking to the actual base and finally to the grandstand, but we made it just in time to catch the Blue Angels’ performance. If there was anything I picked up from the little that I knew coming in to this show, the Blue Angels were always the highlight.

Super wow factor!
My goodness, they are awesome! I was very impressed. Five planes flying only 18″ apart in wing span!! My whole body ached from having to balance one child, my shades and an umbrella all at once but I think the girls enjoyed them too.
After that we saw Sean D. Tucker (Sam always says his full name) in his aerobatic performance.

So that’s what he looks like. Thank you, Google.
I had to Google him because Sam was so impressed by his skills on a small plane and by the little tidbits of information they would blast over the loud speakers. Apparently he’s a living legend and in the National Aviation Hall of Fame! He also has a school called Sean D. Tucker School of Aerobatic Flight.
While we waited for the Golden Knights’ parachute show (who are also by the way, pretty cool!) to start, we went around the base and the girls got to see the insides of some of the Military planes and vehicles.

I don’t know who was more excited — Daddy or the girls!
There were Marines stationed by each vehicle to give a description of it to the kids, its use, and to show them the weaponry available.

Sam and a gun… hmmmm… not an image I ever ever had.
Sam even took pictures with some of the Marines on base! 🙂

The weekend’s “celebrities”. 🙂
The only thing I would change — would be better bathrooms. The portalets were HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE! Horrible. I can’t say it enough — horrible. Ugh. I shudder just writing it. Did I mention it was horrible?!

Thank you, Emma Stone.
I tried to prompt Sam that there would be no bathroom but of course the minute we got there she needed one. And you know how I get about bathrooms! I couldn’t even use my usual travel tools and Lysol! In fact, the Yosemite bathroom “holes” seemed more decent, and that I thought was BAD. And because we have girls, I’m the one who has to deal with taking them to the bathroom and attending to all their potty needs. I tell you those portalets are grounds for divorce.
It was hot, and tiring, but a pretty cool experience. And the girls learned a lot about planes too, things I never thought to teach them. Thank goodness we had my uncle’s home as a stop over before the drive back. I gave the girls are really good shower (especially since we entered a portalet!) and got them into their pajamas before we headed home in the car. They knocked out completely and I carried them to bed.
I wouldn’t mind watching the show again next year — on the condition that we have decent bathrooms to use!