My Mommyology

Learning from Motherhood.

May 29, 2011
by mymommyology

Eating My Words: Things I Said I Wouldn’t Do But Ended Up Doing Anyway

The saying “having a baby changes everything“, actually means, “what you thought and planned out for you and your child(ren) will not happen that way.  At all.”  It also means, “You + your child + the world around you = … Continue reading

April 17, 2011
by mymommyology

How I Survived the First Three Weeks as a Mom of Two (part 2)

I apologize in advance for posting in parts these last few days.  Part of it is the fact that my mommy mush brain hasn’t gotten back its editing lucidity, and the other part of me has a lot more to … Continue reading

April 10, 2011
by mymommyology

How I Survived the First Three Weeks as a Mom of Two (part 1)

We made it past three weeks.  Surprisingly I have not lost my mind (yet).  I haven’t even really had a hormonal postpartum breakdown (yet), and I’m wondering if it’s really because it is easier the second time around, or because … Continue reading

April 5, 2011
by mymommyology

The 2011 Labor & Delivery Story

So here it is.  If you haven’t read my previous Labor & Delivery Story, I would suggest you do to get a perspective of where this is all coming from. EVERYONE was telling me to expect that: Labor the 2nd … Continue reading

April 3, 2011
by mymommyology

The Little Gym vs. Gymboree: A My Mommyology Review

A few months ago we enrolled Sam in a Little Gym class.  My husband started coming to the sessions with us because I couldn’t carry Sam through a lot of the activities as part of our turn-over of Sam responsibilities.  … Continue reading

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